Monday, April 1, 2013

Dead by April

     Another phenomenal band that brings together a complex mix of hardcore metal with pop influences, yet quite unknown. Really something you must see. Who says that metal can't be technical? These really push it to the ropes by perfectly syncing screaming with a keyboard and clean vocals. Sounds like any other technical band though right? I feel ashamed that I an taking a liking to pop music, luckily it's still along the lines of metal though...Regular pop is just, ugh. I don't even want to think about it, but I digress. Dead by April is a band that romances with their music and a band that puts their emotions into their music.
     Hey, every rose has it's thorns as too does a metal head has their softer side. I wouldn't have know about these guys hadn't stumbled across them on an internet radio and let me tell you, internet radio doesn't really include that much "diversity" or "opportunity" for an underdog band to be found. These guys are no underdog though. You know those bands that sound the same onstage and in the studio? Well, these guys are one of those bands. They can be brutal as any other hardcore band, but they will defiantly grow on you with their energetic vocals and fluid use of their keyboard at hand. Here, listen for yourself.

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