Monday, April 1, 2013

Atreyu, who are(were) these guys?

     It's been more than five years since my cousin introduced me to these guys and by now I would have hoped that five years could have made these guys into a recognized group. Sometimes one just doesn't know how the likes of bad music does better like the mainstream band "Asking Alexandria" while good music that should be known is unheard of. Atreyu is a band that gets its influences from all over the metal and rock genre. They can be brutal, take you back to the rock and roll ages and everything in between.
     The vocalist switches on and off between clean vocals and his not so scratchy screaming voice in conjunction with the rest of the band where they spike to quick and dextrous solos to heavy and thrash-like rhythms. Atreyu has sadly decided to take a "break" and it is unclear of whether or not they will ever get back together. Regardless of this, their music still satisfies their beloved fans, both new and old. It's a shame they never got the recognition they deserve so here I am, trying to do them a favor, long after they have disbanded. Listen to them and you'll see that they will grow on you. Metal head or rocker, these guys are a true wonder of their genre.

Dead by April

     Another phenomenal band that brings together a complex mix of hardcore metal with pop influences, yet quite unknown. Really something you must see. Who says that metal can't be technical? These really push it to the ropes by perfectly syncing screaming with a keyboard and clean vocals. Sounds like any other technical band though right? I feel ashamed that I an taking a liking to pop music, luckily it's still along the lines of metal though...Regular pop is just, ugh. I don't even want to think about it, but I digress. Dead by April is a band that romances with their music and a band that puts their emotions into their music.
     Hey, every rose has it's thorns as too does a metal head has their softer side. I wouldn't have know about these guys hadn't stumbled across them on an internet radio and let me tell you, internet radio doesn't really include that much "diversity" or "opportunity" for an underdog band to be found. These guys are no underdog though. You know those bands that sound the same onstage and in the studio? Well, these guys are one of those bands. They can be brutal as any other hardcore band, but they will defiantly grow on you with their energetic vocals and fluid use of their keyboard at hand. Here, listen for yourself.

All you Slipknot lovers, listen up!!!

     Yes! I hope that you guys are as excited for this as I am, even though we've still got ways to go. News about whether Slipknot is going to release a new album this year has been confirmed to be false, but don't fret...It has also been confirmed that Slipknot will indeed release demo songs from their next album in 2014 which they are hoping to get out in 2015. Since the passing of their bass player, Paul Gray, R.I.P, Slipknot has traversed the ideas of how they would go about making their next album and who will take his spot as number two in the band. Lets give them time to cope with their loss though.
     For those of you who can't wait for the release of the album, here is something to look forward to. Slipknot has stated that they will go on five tours throughout 2014, one of which will be at Knotfest!
     Here's one of my favorite songs by Slipknot. Enjoy and...maggots for life!

Not Well Known, Yet Well Known?

     Stuck In Your Radio originated through the help of YouTube and a couple of friends who decided to take a leap into starting their own band. What makes this band stand out to me in my opinion is the fact that this band involves two famous "Let's Player's" from YouTube who had no passion other than playing games and making money off of it. These two, Eddie and Aleks, only knew eachother via YouTube collaborations, but decided that since they were two great pals who had similar interests in forming a band, they would take a crack at it. Living in different locations was an obstacle, but soon Aleks moved in with Eddie in Florida where Eddie had already convinced some of his friends to start a band.
     Aleks, Eddie and their friends soon enough were all on board to create their self-titled album, "Stuck In Your Radio," in late 2012. I myself, am more of a death-core, post-hardcore kinda guy, but there are times where music like this is just astonishes me and I am stuck listening to it, my ears clogged with my headphones, for a limitless period of time. Stuck in your radio makes modern rock/pop tolerable once again with songs that are easy to listen. I'm speechless because no words can describe their distinct sound. Sadly, I don't understand how they have so many subscribers on YouTube, yet their side project remains under the radar. Nonetheless, spend a moment, listen to the song "The Slyfox and the Curious Cat."Help spread the word of this talented band.